If you would like to get to know Ashtanga Yoga, you are very welcome to the beginners' workshop!
4 days Mysore, Workshop "Eine Reise durch Yoga" & MTC Faszien with
Dr. Ronald Steiner!
On various topics, next workshop: Introduction 2nd Series 20.9.
with Claudia L.
Ashtanga Yoga Workshop with Vijay Kumar from Mysore, India
21. - 23. June 2019
It was a great Workshop! Thank you all!!! Namasté! And special Thanks to David for the great pictures!
Yoga & Art Retreat 2018
Ashtanga Yoga Workshop with Vijay Kumar from Mysore, India
23. - 25. June 2017
Thank you to Vijay and all of you for the wonderful Workshop!!! Next will be in 2019!
Ashtanga Yoga Loft Leipzig
im Westwerk (Hintergebäude, links)
Karl-Heine-Str. 85 a
04229 Leipzig