Mysore Style

What is the Mysore Style?

Traditionally Ashtanga Yoga is taught in the so-called Mysore style, named after the city of Mysore in India, where Pattabhi Jois founded the Ashtanga Yoga Institute. 

This means that everyone practices the fixed sequence of asanas in their own breathing rhythm.

This enables the development of an individual Yoga practice, which should be done at least 2 times a week. According to tradition, the practice takes place 6 days a week, one day off and also a break on full and new moon days. Ashtanga Yoga only unfolds its full effect through regular practice. 


Personal practice promotes self-confidence, self-responsibility and independence and enables individual and therapeutic work. Thus, personal prerequisites and physical complaints can be taken into consideration.


The teacher will respond individually to each student and give personal support and correction.

The aim is to follow one's own breathing rhythm, to train body awareness, to perceive and respect one's own limits, to practise patience and mindfulness. The challenge is to keep the focus on oneself and not to compare oneself with others.